Visualizzazione post con etichetta José Manuel Barroso. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta José Manuel Barroso. Mostra tutti i post

Europe 2020 Summit: Brussels Launch of European Digital Forum and Startup Europe Partnership

    22 May 2014
Résidence Palace, 155 rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels
Europe 2020 Summit

Brussels Launch of European Digital Forum and Startup Europe Partnership

L' Europe 2020 Summit quest'anno si tiene pochi giorni dopo il lancio delle consultazioni della Commissione Europea sul futuro di questo vitale programma per la crescita e l'occupazione, che sarà oggetto di revisione nella primavera del 2015.
I partecipanti discuteranno di come quest'importante agenda politica dell'Unione Europea può essere rinnovata e migliorata per adattarsi all'attualità del mondo post-crisi.
Il Summit sarà anche l'occasione per lanciare ufficialmente da Brussels i programmi "European Digital Forum" (EDF), nuovo think tank guidato da Lisbon Council e Nesta, e "Startup Europe Partnership" (SEP), piattaforma  guidata da Mind The Bridge insieme a The Factory e Nesta.

José Manuel Barroso e Neelie Kroes, rispettivamente Presidente e Vicepresidente della Commissione Europea/Commissario per l'agenda digitale, terranno in questa occasione un keynote. Per la Startup Europe Partnership interverrà Alberto Onetti, Chairman di Mind the Bridge e responsabile operativo di SEP.

h 9.30-13.30 Registration and coffee from h9.00 onwards
Networking lunch from h13.30 to h14.30 for all registered participants


  • José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission
  • Neelie Kroes, vice-president responsible for the Digital Agenda at the European Commission
Additional Interventions: 
  • Bart van Ark, executive vice-president, chief economist and chief strategy officer of The Conference Board, one of the world’s most renowned experts on productivity and growth
  • Sherry Coutu, angel investor and non-executive director at the London Stock Exchange Group, who was voted by Wiredmagazine as one of the top 25 "most influential people in the world"
  • Kaya Taner, CEO and co-founder, Applift; member of the European board, Application Developers Alliance
  • Mark Silverstein, head, product, tech, IP and policy, Spotify
  • Chris Haley, head of start-ups and new tech research at Nesta, the UK’s innovation charity
  • Dirk Pilat, deputy director, science, technology and industry directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, founder and CEO, The Next Web; member, the Leaders Club, an independent group of founders in the field of tech entrepreneurship
  • Ann Mettler, executive director, The Lisbon Council/European Digital Forum
  • Alberto Onetti, Chairman, Mind the Bridge Foundation/Startup Europe Partnership, together with some key representatives of the SEP Corporate Members (BBVA, Orange, Telefonica, European Investment Fund, Telecom Italia).